Compiled Wed. 13 April 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
すべてがダウンします。データをバックアップしてください。シグナルアプリをダウンロードする。7つの大統領メッセージが地球上のすべての電話に送られ、その後、電話は使用不能になる。軍用衛星に接続されているため、Signal App.のみが機能する。
...Whiplash347 火曜日 12 4月 2022
“Just Let the Fire Warm You”(「火を焚いて暖めさせて」)
March 27, 2022- #4828 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)
南アフリカのデズモンド・ツツ大司教が80歳に近づいた頃、インタビューで "年をとって神との関係が変わったと感じますか?"と聞かれたことがある。その後亡くなったこの深い霊性を持った人は、しばらく考えてからこう言った。「神の前ではもっと黙ることを学んでいます」。
ジュディ ノート:大量逮捕はしばらく続いていて、今日も続いているというのが私の個人的な意見です。何千人もの子供たちがまだ[redacted]軍によって、一般市民に病原菌をばらまく予定の生物兵器研究所もある[redacted]の馬鹿な地下トンネルから救出されており、近い将来、パニック状態のディープステートが世界中で大規模なスケアイベントを計画していたのでした。
一方、同盟国はすでに210カ国が金/資産担保通貨を国際的に取引する世界通貨リセットを開始し、大量のディスクロージャーを公開する準備をしており、さらにこのイースター週末にはNESARA GESARAを発表しそうだった。
- リードバンクの担当者によると、今日と明日4月13日(水)は償還センターが閉鎖 されるとのことです。
- NESARAでは、支払った税金、住宅や車のローンの利息が、銀行口座に直接振り込まれることになります。
- 銀行が言うには、それは仕組まれた支払いではないそうだ。
- 私たちは、財務省からマザーロード・アクセス・カードを受け取り、その残高を見るだけで、どの銀行もアクセスすることができません。
- 私たちのプロジェクトを運営するために、副次的な口座が作られることになります。
- これらの口座は、半年ごとに支払われる年率(例:8%)で資金が管理されています。
- 彼らは私たちに30-40分で予約を入れさせようとする。
- 世界中の中央銀行が退場していきました。ロスチャイルド銀行を廃止した国が22カ国あり、さらに14カ国が今後7日以内に自国の銀行を閉鎖する予定である。
- 水-木-金 13,14,15 4月 債券保有者は、流動性の通知を受けた。
- 4月12日(火) 2022 MarkZ: 債券保有者はまだ支払いを受けておらず、今晩までには支払いを受けることができると期待している。流動性についての合意文書を持っている。償還センターのスタッフは今週末からフルタイムで働くとのことです。
- 日曜日までに。5月1日(日)までに、210カ国の金/資産担保型通貨への世界通貨リセットが発表されると予想されました。もしそうなら、5月2日(月)には、一般の人々も新しい国際レートで通貨を交換できるようになる。
- 金曜の午後2-3時に予定されていた財務省の電話会議が、4月14日木曜の午前10時に繰り上げられた。
- Tier 4Bの通知が4月14日木曜日の午後に出され,4月15日,16日の金・土曜日に開始される可能性があります。
- マヌーチンは、地球史上最大の富の移動がイースターの週末に行われると言った。つまり、GESARAとNESARAはこのイースターの週末に発表される可能性があるということです。
- 4月12日(火)Whiplash347:これはそれの人々です。CMEはeverything.11.4インバウンドをダウンさせるために。大規模なサイバー攻撃。あなたのデータをバックアップします。シグナルのアプリをダウンロードします。あなたは地球上のすべてのあなたの携帯電話に7大統領Msgsを取得すると、あなたの携帯電話は、無効になります。軍用衛星に接続された信号だけが機能する。
- 金 4月15日: The 110thAnniversary of the sinking of the Titanicon April 15 1912 (1年後、J.P.モルガンは連邦準備制度を設立し、中央銀行の設立に反対していたライバル大富豪ジェイコブ・アスター、イサイドール・ストラウス、ベンジャミン・グッゲンハイムがタイタニックで死亡し、彼の脅威を排除したはずだった).
- 土曜 4月16日:トランプの公式紙GEORGEは、1861年に安倍リンカーンが軍隊の招集をかけ、南北戦争を開始した日である4月16日を強調した。バイデンが日本首脳との記者会見で失敗すると予想された日でもある。VKのSpotifyのリストには、Song Title "APRIL 16″とあります。
- 4月17日(日):ピッグス湾のキューバ侵攻から61周年。1961年4月17日、約1,500人のCIAが訓練したキューバの亡命者が、フィデル・カストロを打倒するためにピッグス湾侵攻を開始し、3日目までにカストロ軍が侵攻を粉砕するという悲惨な事件が起きた。 これは「闇の10日間」の前の「開示の3日間」なのだろうか?
- 月 4月18日:1983年4月18日にレバノンのベイルートで起きたアメリカ大使館爆破事件から39年目。この爆発で63人が死亡し、うち17人がアメリカ人だった。
- 火曜日 4月19日 愛国者の日は、False Flag Eventの可能性がある。(レキシントン&コンコード)これもボストンマラソンではないか?ボストン造船所の近くを走っているところではないか?プール氏はこれも見せていたのでは?ボストン造船所 バンカーヒルUSS "コンスティテューション"
- 4月20日 1871年英国法制定150周年 - 世界通貨リセットで逆転した。1871年法はコロンビア地区を設立し、アメリカ国民に、ヨーロッパとイギリスの特定の国際銀行家と貴族が所有する会社であるUS Incにすべての税金を支払うことを強制した。
- 我々は世紀のスティング作戦「ウォッチ・ミー・ブリード」に参加している 自由のための戦いと悪との戦いで命を捧げたすべての自由の戦士と勇敢な兵士とすべてのherQesに捧げる - あなたは常に我々の心の中に生き続けるだろう。https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gjeIJBJ-yww。
- 4月12日(火)の朝。ニューヨーク地下鉄の混乱、8人死亡、ブルックリンの地下鉄サンセットパーク駅で発砲、起爆装置発見。
- NYCのこの24時間は準備期間。これからエスカレートしていく。複数のシナリオがある。複数の場所で 必要なのは恐怖のイベント 愛国者の日。4月18日(月)ボストン ...Whiplash347
- 古代の地下トンネル 2020 ドキュメンタリー 地底世界は地球全体に広がっている https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u38aZCOBDxM&feature=youtu.be
- ウォッチ・ザ・ウォーター フルムービー: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/04/world-premiere-watch-the-water-full-movie/
Sting Operation of the Century, White Hat Intel:
- This Plan to Save the World included Trump, eight US Intel agencies, Military Intelligence and battalions connected to a worldwide organization of White Hats.
- Trump has admitted that Deep State Biden had to win the 2020 election because it was the only way the world could see the Deep State corruption going on.
- Biden was an actor turncoat and actually part of a Military Operation continuity of government devolution connected to Laws of Wars activated on Jan. 21 2022 12:00 am.
- Biden was placed by the White Hats to infiltrate the Deep State.
- Everything you were watching was a well placed PLAN to catch all the atrocities , government corruptions and Crimes Against Humanity taking place within United States three branch systems of government which in turn connects to other world governments, leaders and Elites.
- Q, The Storm Rider: “My understanding is all Biden’s assets were frozen and he was given a choice of Military Tribunal, death and everything taken from his family including his future grandchild’s inheritance, or he could become the world’s most powerful mole placed in the middle of the Deep State sector.”
- Everything you see was designed: Pelosi, Biden, Fauci, Hunter’s Laptop that holds the key to the Deep State Plan (and how Hunter had to place it inside the Delaware Shop).
- [Sensitive content, see full report attached below]
- This Propaganda was created so more innocent civilians would join the military, but they were being played and used inside 4th Generation Warfare Tactics to keep a war running and get sympathy from the public (who were also being played).
- Putin was playing very important Chess moves.
- These Events happening now must happen to connect everything in the world at the end.
- Unfortunately many have died from the vaccines, Bioweapons virus release and a century of Deep State controlled companies organizations deliberately poisoning our foods, water, air and land, killing hundreds of millions through Cancer and other well placed products and poisons that we consumed daily.
- Even our children crawl on the floor where chemicals disinfectant and cleaners were used but deliberately contaminated with poisons to affect the children.
- Be strong Patriots ANONS for the hardest part of the War is coming: Full Censorship. Countries are now finding ways to create laws to stop all disinformation (ideas that goes against their narration).
- As full censorship is inserted all major media, social networks and news station will comply with the Deep State or go down in succession. Those breaking the Deep State laws will be fined, imprisoned and Banks accounts blocked seized.
- After full censorship the Deep State will push their final Agenda on the MSM to heavily brainwash and encourage civil unrest using left wing military parties and generals to help with the Deep State UN operations.
- The Deep State planned the next stage to be full Cyber Attacks and Blackouts. Chaos, mass protests, riots, panic, ATMs going down, grids off for days and Deep State Military Marshal Law.
- However, the White Hats will seize the final moments and make Mass Arrests.
- Between now and this End Game Cyber Attacks will continue and many countries will have short blackouts, ATM problems, shortages, de-platforming and full on propaganda will increase.
- All these Events must happen. The public must see the End Game and experience the pain and Near Death Civilization Events.
- Nothing Can Stop What is Coming is not a slogan. We were inside the Storm of the Century. Military is the only way. The End Game won’t be for everyone. Q
Internet Going Down:
- Will it be Obama Image shooting a US Airmen?
- Will it be HRC/Huma Abedin Frazzledrip?
- Or will it be the NSA releasing a whole flood of incriminating evidence on to the internet to bring on the Major Cyber Attacks?
- Will a Video be played in Times Square NYC as well?
International Child Sex Trafficking:
- [Sensitive content, see full report attached below]
Covid/Vax Hoax:
- Covid-19 Vax Linked to Alzheimers: https://www.theepochtimes.com/covid-19-linked-to-alzheimers-like-brain-changes-study-suggests_4379650.html
- Dr. Andreas Noack: “Graphene Oxide in the vaccines are creating blood clots, heart attacks and nerve damage amongst other deadly issues. The Graphene Oxide is like razors in the blood cutting up the body and from the inside vein vessels, heart, brain and organs. Graphene Hydroxide was found in all the vaccines studied. Graphene Oxide form structures in the blood stream approximately 50 nm wide and 0.1 nm thick. They are very thin but very strong. They act like little razor blades in the blood stream that can cut the blood vessels. They do not decompose. Once in the bloodstream they will be there forever (short of the person getting a blood transfusion to remove them). Their effect on the blood vessels is cumulative. The longer they stay in the bloodstream, the more damage will be done to the blood vessels over time.” It is when the Graphene Oxide hits the blood vessel wall immediately that causes the death or collapses immediately after getting the vax.”
- Dr. Andreas Noack was killed shortly after he blew the whistle on the vaccines findings. His wife blames Direct Energy Weapons which has been proven true in military and CIA operations.
- Trump put Fauci center stage to expose the truth. Fauci had covered up HIV being a bio-weapon, the fake HIV treatments that killed people, the real HIV treatments, he covered up Cancer virus that infected vaccine stock piles across the world, Fauci created the Gain of Function in Covid-19 and proceeding strains and created the vaccines.
- Exposing Fauci is exposing people behind the scenes – those directly connected to the world elites involved in investing in the pandemics who funded him: NIH, CDC, WHO, Gates, GPMD, CIA, Clintons, Obama, world leaders who covered for Big Pharma.
- The staggering effect of compromised leaders behind the Pandemic and Banking systems were tied back to blackmail by Epstein, Mossad and Five Eyes.
Ukraine-Russia War:
- [Sensitive content, see full report attached below]
Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:
- Head of German network regulator warns of possible gas emergency situation later this year if supplies from Russia stopped now.
- More and more countries were experiencing the collapse with food, gas and supply chain shortages.
- Food supply for cattle was in chaos. Chicken and tuna prices were soaring.
- Riot’s have started over food and gas prices, inflation and supply chain shortages.
- The EU is finally announcing a recession on TV.
- World Elites have pulled their money from Wall Street and sold their stock.
- Delaware companies were collapsing.
- France: The Left and the Right united and took to the street with a single goal! They are rioting in French cities and vow to stop Macron’s election to the French presidency for a new term.
- Australia: Protestors shut down Sydney Harbor Bridge during rush hour: https://www.9news.com.au/national/protesters-truck-shut-down-sydney-harbour-bridge-lane-in-fireproof-australia/5fd4cb62-121b-4368-ad7b-c829b90f0b0a
Trains, Planes Grounded:
- UK: STORM EUNICE: “RED ALERT” panic across London – thousands in England without power. Storm Eunice is set to batter the UK with 100mph “sting jet” winds that sparked rare “red alert” warnings, having already left 14,000 in Cornwall without power, and severely disrupted air and rail travel. The Army has been placed on standby for what could be the worst storm in 32 years arrives, as hundreds of schools have been closed and all trains suspended in Wales. The Environment Agency have issued 10 severe flood warning and urged against travel to coastal areas for dramatic photo ops, as it is “probably the most stupid thing you can do”.
2020 Election Fraud:
- WASHINGTON — An inspector general probe into the U.S. Postal Service surveillance program, known as iCOP, concluded that the agency did not have the legal authority to conduct the sweeping intelligence collection and surveillance of American protesters and others between 2018 and 2021. https://news.yahoo.com/inspector-general-says-post-office-surveillance-program-exceeded-legal-authority-172808526.html
Global Financial Crisis:
- Sri Lanka to Default on ENTIRE $51BN External Debt. The Central bank of Sri Lanka claims the country will default on ALL of its external debt after it suspended debt payments Tuesday – unless it receives a massive bailout. (AFP) Sri Lanka has approached the IMF seeking an emergency recovery program, as 13-hour daily power cuts have been imposed. All but two of Sri Lanka’s entire cabinet resigned on April 4, with the new Finance Minister quitting too within 24 hours.
- U.S. inflation hits 8.5% in March, highest in more than 40 years.
- Long Crypto Traders Feel Pain as Bitcoin’s Slide Leads to $430M in Liquidations: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/long-crypto-traders-feel-pain-as-bitcoins-slide-leads-to-430m-in-liquidations-1031348617
- Be very careful out there in large protest my friends Patriots and Anons. Remember 5g is up and was originally created by the military to disperse crowds and riot crowds. The energy creates confusion in the mind. The feeling of burning skin, pain in the brain, sickness, Nausia and even Death in controlled deliberate guided Directed Energy Weapon. New careful out their FREEDOM FIGHTERS on the front lines and thank you for your services to HUMANITY.
- Thousands of Dutch Protesters Take to the Streets of Nijmegen to Demonstrate Against the Government. “Love, freedom, no dictatorship!”
Mass Arrests, GITMO:
- [Sensitive content, see full report attached below]
Must Watch Videos:
- [Sensitive content, see full report attached below]
The Vatican, Sacrifices and their International Trafficking Ring:
- [Sensitive content, see full report attached below]
Read Full Report (Doc):
Read Full Report (PDF):
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR : Update as of April 12, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 11, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 11, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 10, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 9, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 9, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 8, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 8, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 7, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 7, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 6, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 6, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 5, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 5, 2022
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